Pre-Conference Workshop banner for aes24 International Evaluation Conference, scheduled for Monday, 16 September 2024, a full-day event. The workshop is titled 'Wayfinding in measurement, evaluation, and learning – for new and emerging evaluators.' Presented by Shani Rajendra and Jessica Suares. The banner includes photos of the presenters and graphic elements like an eagle in flight and a pattern of bird tracks.

Wayfinding in measurement, evaluation and learning

Presented by Shani Rajendra and Jessica Suares

Foundational full-day workshop for new and emerging evaluators

Monday 16 September 2024

Starting out in the field of evaluation can feel overwhelming. Shani Rajendra and Jessica Suares’s pre-conference workshop is intended to empower new and emerging evaluators with a foundational understanding of Measurement, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL). This workshop is specifically for evaluators with less than two years of working experience. So, if you are just beginning to explore the field, this workshop is for you! This is your chance to explore what the field has to offer and ask those tricky questions that you might have been holding and not know who to ask. It’s also an excellent opportunity to meet fellow emerging evaluators before the conference kicks off!

What You’ll Gain from the Workshop:

This hands-on, collaborative approach ensures that you leave with practical skills and a deeper understanding of measurement, evaluation, and learning, all while building connections within the evaluation community.

Join us for an full-day interactive workshop where you’ll:

  • Discover the fundamentals of MEL:

    Be introduced to the foundations of MEL, including the ability to develop a MEL plan and theory of change

  • Interrogate our ten principles of good MEL:

    Unpack and critique these emerging principles developed by Jess Dart, joining other evaluators in that discussion and providing feedback online.

  • Get stuck into MEL 101:

    Get answers to common questions that trip up emerging evaluators, including the distinction between common types of evaluation.

  • Connect with the sector!

    Meet fellow emerging evaluators and gain access to community and resources that will help you in your learning.

Take part in lively discussions!

This workshop isn’t just about learning—it’s about actively engaging. You’ll work in small groups, use case studies and handouts to bring concepts to life, and explore publicly available learning resources from Clear Horizon. This training draws on our highly regarded Academy, which has over 500 learners per year.

This workshop is aligned with the Evaluators Professional Learning Competency Framework

By introducing the fundamentals of measurement, evaluation, and learning in an environment that encourages enquiry and self-reflection, this workshop addresses Domains 1 and 2 of the Evaluators’ Professional Learning Competency Framework.

Who Should Attend?

Prerequisites for joining this workshop:

This workshop is specifically tailored for those with two years or less of experience in evaluation. We’re dedicated to helping you build a strong foundation, and by focusing on early-career professionals, we ensure a supportive and engaging learning experience that meets you where you are. To support new and emerging evaluators, the attendance of this workshop is restricted to those with two years of experience or less in the field of evaluation. Does this sound like you, or someone you know, could benefit from attending? Secure your spot now via this link.

We’re thrilled to offer this opportunity to the next generation of evaluators. Join us at Clear Horizon and take your first confident steps into the world of evaluation!

For first-time AES attendees we also recommend this AES pre-conference online seminar: First-time navigators: aes24 compass (Online 3 September 2024).

About the Facilitators:

Shani Rajendra is a Principal Consultant at Clear Horizon and has been working in the field of evaluation for over six years. Shani specialises in incorporating design thinking into evaluative practice and primarily works in community-led or systems change interventions as well as in organisational strategy. Shani has co-developed over 20 MEL plans, including with diverse community groups and in complex settings. Shani co-convenes the AES Design and Evaluation Special Interest Group (DESIG), presenting and/or co-hosting the annual DESIG Learning Sprint Series since 2020. She has also presented on evaluation at other conferences, such as AES 2023, the 2019 SDNOW 4 pre-conference event and the Social Enterprise Unconference 2021.

Here’s a conference tip from Shani, for new and returning AES Conference attendees: 

Don’t be overwhelmed by the wealth of knowledge on offer. Use the conference program as an opportunity to dip your toes into the many wonderful and nuanced pools that evaluation offers and use that inform to forge your own path.

Jessica Suares is a Consultant at Clear Horizon and an emerging evaluator with less than a year of experience in the field. Leaning into some of her confusions and hurdles entering this field, Jessica is passionate about accessible MEL education, creating safe spaces to ask questions. and creating pathways for emerging evaluators to engage more deeply with the wider evaluation community. Her background in science communication – teaching complex scientific concepts to non-technical audiences – means she understands the importance of jargon-free explanations in creating understanding. She has delivered presentations on behalf of Monash University and CSIRO. Jessica currently sits on the SIMNA board of directors.

Find us at the AES!

There’ll be lots of friendly faces from Clear Horizon at AES24, and we hope you’ll say hello! You can find us at our booth, at our recovery breakfast, and at our presentations and workshops. You can also find us soaking up wisdom at the many presentations and events on offer. Here’s what our colleagues are most looking forward to this AES (and their tips for having a great conference)!